
Mental health and psychosocial support

Hope Revival Organization



Mental health and psychosocial support

  • We provide multi-layered MHPSS services according to the IASC MHPSS Pyramid, offering a range of interventions from psychiatrists and mhGAP doctors to psychologists and psychosocial workers (PSWs). We also integrate MHPSS services into health facilities and community centers to make them more accessible and reduce stigma.

Psychological Support for Victims of Torture

We aim to provide vital psychosocial support to Syrians engaged in European universal jurisdiction trials, be it as witnesses or victims. Through our Customized Psychosocial Support (PSS) Assessment, we tailor our response to the unique needs of each individual in our project. Our emphasis is on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS), with over 300 remote counseling sessions conducted, reaching 60 victims and witnesses. We provide educational content to Syrian victims, survivors, or witnesses in Europe, through targeted videos and online seminars on relevant MHPSS topics, live-streamed on HRO's social media platforms and other prominent media stations in our focus areas. In collaboration with Network for Empowered Aid Response (NEAR), Oxfam, and United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), HRO is developing a human rights advocacy toolkit to raise awareness and encourage participation in addressing the Syrian humanitarian situation. Committed to empowering communities and promoting human rights, our program has trained over 240 human rights workers and community stakeholders in Northwest Syria and Turkey, through Training of Trainers (ToT) sessions and subsequent roll-out training. Continuous online mentorship ensures effective knowledge application, emphasizing lessons learned and best practices. We advocate for protection awareness, targeting the prevention and mitigation of protection risks and concerns by implementing dedicated youth training with specialized toolkits and videos. Additionally, we engage with the community by establishing the Community Network Committees, comprising diverse actors such as peacebuilders, human rights activists, teachers, Imams, Mukhtars, and camp managers from our trained individuals.

Kherbet Eljoz MHPSS Stand-Alone Clinic

In its commitment to mitigating the adverse impacts on the mental health and well-being of war-affected Syrian populations, Hope Revival Organization (HRO) strives to enhance access to comprehensive Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) services in Kherbet Eljoz.

The clinic, a pivotal component of this initiative, is dedicated to ensuring the sustained provision of long-term, specialized, and targeted MHPSS services in densely populated and critically underserved areas, housing both Internally Displaced People (IDPs) and new arrivals in Northwest Syria, particularly in the Idleb Governorate. The clinic employs a combination of fixed MHPSS and mobile clinics to effectively reach communities in need. At present, the MHPSS stand-alone clinic delivers consultations, including psychotropic treatments, for the war-affected populations in the area. The clinic's staff comprises a part-time Resident Psychiatrist, one Psychologist, and three full-time Psychosocial Workers (PSWs), representing both genders.

Interventions focus on moderate to severe psychological conditions affecting diverse demographics from children to women to individuals with disabilities. Common issues addressed include depression, stress, grief, anger, and more. These challenges often stem from prolonged crises, frequent displacements, and the erosion of institutional systems such as health, education, and social networks over recent years.

War-affected people gain access to psychotropics by trained doctors, non-pharmacological psychotherapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, eye movement desensitization and reprocessing, consultation through PM+, psychological first aid (PFA), psycho-education, identification and referral to specialized and non-specialized services based on case management approaches, and awareness-raising sessions on MHPSS key topics and messages.

Integrating MHPSS services into Health Facilities

In line with its commitment to promoting mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) in Northwest Syria (NWS), Hope Revival Organization (HRO) has initiated a unique and comprehensive project. This project integrates Mental Health within Health Facilities (HFs) to offer a diverse range of MHPSS services, aiming to enhance accessibility for those in need. The project addresses gaps in MHPSS services, tackles stigmatization, and focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of mental health disorders. It aims to strengthen the integration of MHPSS as a complementary component in 22 HFs across NWS, providing quality interventions both within and outside these facilities. Additionally, staff-care activities are implemented to help cope with stress, occupational burnout, and fatigue. Continuous supervision sessions for project staff are conducted to ensure the delivery of high-quality MHPSS services throughout the project. Recognizing the importance of outreach activities, HRO views them as a crucial component of the project. These activities serve to connect the organization with potential and vulnerable beneficiaries who may need MHPSS services but are unaware of service providers like HRO. Challenges such as the lack of transportation services and fear of stigma further underscore the need for field outreach visits. These visits serve as entry points to reach a large number of beneficiaries, disseminate information about project services, and encourage participation across age and community groups seeking MHPSS services.

The key components of the project include:

1. Providing MHPSS individual consultations inside and outside health facilities.

2. Conducting MHPSS group activities inside and outside health facilities.

3. Establishing a safe referral pathway, including the identification and referral of beneficiaries.

4. Facilitating staff care and peer support sessions for Psychosocial Workers (PSWs) and healthcare staff within the facilities.

5. Offering individual supervision sessions for PSWs.

6. Conducting group supervision sessions for PSWs.

What does psychosocial support in emergencies entail?

HRO provides mental health and psychosocial support to adults, children, and families to help them deal with the psychological effects of emergencies. Mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) can help people cope with the impacts of traumatic events or prolonged stress and to build supportive social structures. With access to essential services, family and community support, and security are restored, leading to the majority of people regaining a sense of normalcy.

The emphasis in MHPSS is not on adult, child, and adolescent vulnerabilities; instead, it focuses on how people can actively protect themselves in the face of adversity. Furthermore, MHPSS requires a multi-layered system of complementary support across sectors, ranging from basic services to specialized care.

One aspect of MHPSS is offering safe spaces. Structured activities in safe spaces can help adults and children explore their feelings in emergencies. Often, helping people understand their reactions and articulate their feelings can alleviate the worry that there is something wrong with them and help them see that they are experiencing a normal response to abnormal events. Having a safe space to ask questions and correct misinformation can also reduce adult and child stress. Other activities that help people deal with the psychological effects of emergencies include having a regular routine, playing and building relationships with others, developing their resilience through learning new skills, and participating in group activities.

Finally, it is important to be culturally sensitive and adaptable when providing MHPSS in emergencies. Different cultures have different ways of coping with trauma and stress, and it is important to respect these differences. For example, some cultures may prefer to talk about their experiences in groups, while others may prefer to talk to individuals. It is also important to be aware of any taboos or cultural beliefs that may affect how people respond to MHPSS interventions.

Achievements and successes

Inspiring stories and multiple achievements

We present to you the most important articles about the situation in the areas where the Hope Revival Organization operates, in addition to the most significant issues, events, and needs in those areas.

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individual consultations

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