Hope Revival Organization Is seeking an experienced MEAL Officer Based in Gaziantep, Turkey.
Reporting to: MEAL Manager
Closing date: 17 September 2020
How to apply:
The deadline for submitting the applications is 17/09/2020
Any offer made to the candidate concerning this vacancy notice is subject to funding confirmation.
Job Title: MEAL Officer
Sector: MEAL
Location: Turkey, Gaziantep
Employee Type: Regular
Employee Category: Full Time
Report to: MEAL Manager
Job Purpose (Scope of Work):
MEAL Manager is responsible for:
1- Providing a methodological support to all program teams on technical questions linked to MEAL and cross-cutting issues such as: design of MEAL/M&E plan, quantitative and qualitative data collection, measure of indicators, complaint response mechanism, “do no harm” analysis, terms of references of internal and external evaluations etc.
2- Developing the MEAL strategy, in accordance with HRO strategy, and makes sure it is disseminated, understood and implemented by the staffs.
3- Supporting the processes of proposal; design and gathering of evidence to inform and improve programming.
4- Looks over the quality and relevance of internal monitoring and evaluation activities, recommendations and analysis produced by his/her department (studies, maps…).
5- Makes sure his/her department is cross-cutting and well-integrated with all departments (functional links) as well as coherent with all officers and managers.
6- Supports training of program teams within his/her fields of expertise.
7- Contributes to institutional knowledge building and improvement of MEAL methods and techniques.
Strategic orientation
· Propose and develop a sector-based strategy (M&E, accountability) in accordance with HRO’s policies and priorities for the intervention country.
· In collaboration with technical coordinators, produce an overall analysis of HRO’s programs’ effects/outcomes through internal and external M&E as well as orientations, lessons learnt and recommendations
· Make sure collected data are used to take appropriated operational decisions and to address contractual engagements with donors.
· Participate actively in programming work.
Technical support
· Develop project teams’ capacities in his/her field of expertise: data collection, management and analysis (method, format, software etc.), measure of indicators, complaint response mechanism etc.
· Provide project teams with a technical and methodological support for M&E activities, data management (questionnaire design, sampling, data entry, extraction of useful data and interpretation) and integration of cross-cutting issues.
· Support project teams in creating or adapting tools for: indicators monitoring, impact monitoring (MEAL or M&E plan and survey tools) or risk analysis.
Grant Management and compliance:
· Work with the field teams to ensure that project indicators are properly tracked through regular field visits.
· Review all reports to ensure that data provided is complete, consistent, accurate and timely, and that target indicators are met, and explanations provided where indicators are not met.
Monitoring and Evaluation of HRO Projects
· Organize and conduct baseline, PDMs, and produce analytical qualitative and quantitative reports).
· Elaborate or contribute to the elaboration, review and harmonization of M&E tools, data management, especially in MEAL/M&E Plans.
· Propose and organize M&E missions in collaboration with Programme, field coordinators and project officers:
– Post-intervention Monitoring.
– Internal Evaluation (interim of final).
– Follow up mission with program teams to integrate cross-cutting issues.
– Do-no-harm analysis.
– Follow up of accountability monitoring frameworks.
· Validate relevance of reports, analysis, maps and recommendations produced by the MEAL department or PMs before their dissemination. Liaise with Information Management if external publication.
· Develop M&E plans, indicator matrices, and clear data collection plan, in discussion with the technical team, and in accordance with projects and programs reflecting quality, multi-sectoral approach and covering humanitarian and development aspects.
· Ensure that the different technical sectors of are coordinated, integrated and support each other to optimize programs and projects outcomes.
· Review M&E plan in grant applications, particularly log frame indicators and means of verification.
· Help establish and maintain systems, databases and standards for regular assessment, monitoring, and evaluation of the program against its objectives and expected outputs.
· Undertake regular visits to the field to monitor project processes.
· Establish an M&E capacity building plan, prepare and conduct trainings to staff on collecting and reporting data.
· Support HRO country office and field staff in the collection and analysis of qualitative and quantitative data, as well as with reporting on findings from monitoring activities.
· Develop and maintain an M&E tracking tool for M&E related activities (i.e. baselines, rapid assessments, evaluations, lessons learned and recommendations, and follow-ups on recommendations) demonstrating adherence to performance and accounting standards established by the donor and HRO.
· Analyze data and share information with relevant staff on progress.
· Coordinate and share lessons learned related to M&E practices with partners and field offices.
· Review periodic and final reports with a particular focus on checking the quality and reliability of program data and analysis and ensure data is reported on a monthly basis.
· Supervise the M&E support staff (e.g. data entry clerks, data aggregator, data entry assistant, monitors…)
· Ensure proper documentation and filing of all M&E data, reports and tools to support the findings and figures.
· Attend Information Management working group meetings and other relevant meetings as requested by supervisor.
· Ensure that all data entered on SharePoint trackers is accurate and up-to-date.
· Set up and manage complaint and feedback mechanism for the project.
· Ensure Core Humanitarian Standards are mainstreamed through project design and implementation.
· Assist the project team in strengthening the accountability mechanisms at project level
· Participate in regular evaluations of the current humanitarian situation and of the context evolution.
· Ensure that a complaint response mechanism is established, accessible to all stakeholders, allows the registration and login of complaints in a formal database, and the addressing of complaints and response to complainants.
· Ensure that a referral mechanism is established, based on a thorough mapping of services, functional, used and successful in allowing beneficiaries to access services.
· Design and conduct qualitative studies
· Assist the project team and partners in documenting lessons learned and reports
· Conduct reviews, learning events at project location
Reporting / communication / representation
· Validate and disseminate final versions of M&E reports, studies and analysis produced by the department.
· Support for fundraising, negotiation and review of project proposals in his/her field.
· Write project proposals and reports’ paragraphs on crosscutting issues and MEAL.
· Represent HRO when asked and/or delegated to do so.
· Support reporting to donors by providing information to program managers on a timely basis.
· Support other reporting processes as required
· Draft reports on the MEAL activities/team (achievements, challenges, recommendations, etc.).
Institutional Knowledge Building (IKB)
· Make sure that all IKB tools are disseminated and used on the Organization.
· Build on institutional knowledge on MEAL activities, tools, methodologies/approaches and missions’ results (lessons learnt and recommendations) by using HRO’s IKB tools to document MEAL by making sure these are known by technical and field coordinators.
· Support recommendation tracking process (internal and external) and work together with technical on action plans.
· Participate into centralizing and disseminating procedures, guides and tools.
· Build on an expertise network in his/her field and, if possible, develop partnerships with counterparts.
· Produce a detailed handover report in the approved HRO format at the end of the employment contract, validated by the Executive Director.
· Writes minutes of his/her work meetings.
· Identify research issues relevant to the Organization.
· Launch studies on specific key questions, lead the whole process (including by framing the work of potential research partners like universities, consultants, statisticians, etc.) and be warrant of the quality of the work and the relevance of the findings.
Information Management
· Foster the implementation of a data management system to operationalize program and MEAL strategies; a system that informs planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the emergency response projects.
· Lead the implementation of data visualization and other forms of relevant data representation (maps, info graphics, etc.)
Coordination and operational monitoring
• Ensure consolidation and validation of the department’s activity work plan.
• Ensure achievement of the department’s objectives.
• Actively participate in the mission’s coordination meetings.
• Take part of the monthly review of projects (budget, operational, logistics…) and of budget follow up for his/her department.
HR management/Capacity Development
• Together with the Executive Director, defines the MEAL set up and HR needs.
• Ensure that communication schemes, roles and responsibilities and procedures inside the MEAL department (if any) are coherent and relevant. If needed, propose improvements.
• Make sure that new staffs are briefed on MEAL’s roles and responsibilities.
• Evaluate and assess the performance of collaborators under his/her direct supervision.
• Supervise adherence to security regulations by personnel under his/her supervision.
• Supervise and support MEAL teams in implementing their action plan and achievement of their objectives.
• Identify training needs.
· Bachelor’s degree in social science, humanities or other related degree
· 2 years’ experience in monitoring and evaluation in humanitarian and development sectors in similar position
· Thorough knowledge of MS Office packages
· Experience with qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis using packages like Epi-info, SPSS, MS-Excel, MS-Access, MS-Word
· Strong data interpretation skills, report writing and presentation skills
· Demonstrated experience in capacity building and mentoring of staff on the field
· Knowledge, skills and experience in participatory methods
· Experience in use of data to inform decision-making, planning, and performance monitoring
· Excellent interpersonal and problem-solving skills
· Ability to work independently, under pressure and to adhere to set deadlines
· Simultaneously managing multi-sectoral and multi-donor projects
· Conversance with standard indicators in Livelihood, economic empowerment, protection, Education an added advantage
· Experience in grant management and proposal writing
· Fluent in English and Turkish.
Please apply with your CV and motivation letter in ENGLISH through our website. please follow the link here.
HRO is not in a position to respond to every applicant individually due to the anticipated high number of applications. Please note that only short-listed candidates will be contacted for the first interview.