On 2nd June 2024, HRO started a package of training sessions targeting Doctors of the World (DDD) staff members at the HRO center in Idleb, in Northwest Syria.
The training was provided by the HRO specialized team, covering a variety of topics including Communication Skills, Identification & referral, Child safeguarding, Unaccompanied and Separated Children, Child protection Basics, GBV Basics, Civil Status Documents (CSD), and Protection mainstreaming
Each training consists of several sessions with daily practical activities to enhance the capacity of humanitarian workers and expand their experience to deal with various beneficiaries and improve the quality of service they provide.
It is noteworthy that HRO is a leading organization in training and empowerment, where several training sessions targeting healthcare workers were completed during this year, focusing on MHPSS basics and psychological first aid, and aiming at enhancing their professional competence and ability to deal with MHPSS cases within their scope of work.
In addition, a workshop on suicide prevention and response was conducted, and there are still ongoing training sessions in HRO’s targeted areas in Northwest Syria.