Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Secrecy and Security


We use Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol to protect your information, providing a secure service for transmitting basic personal information, credit card details, and your passwords.

We have physical, electronic, and procedural guarantees to protect the personal data of each user. We have implemented security policies and technical procedures to protect that data, and such information is not exchanged or sold to any third party for marketing purposes.

Employees and data processors are committed to respecting the confidentiality of our visitors’ personal data. We request data that we believe is necessary to provide services to them, and sometimes the services are automated on the website, thus limiting the need for employees or others to view your personal information. In the event that your personal data is exposed, we guarantee that it will not be disclosed to state institutions and authorities unless required by law or regulation, and this will be clearly stated in that service.

Non-Personal Information
– When visitors access our website, we automatically receive some non-personally identifiable information such as the computer operating system and browser software used. The Hope Revival Organization team uses this non-personal information for the following purposes:
– Technical management and website development
– Statistical analysis for marketing
– Support and customer affairs management

– We do not use cookies to store personal data, nor do we link non-personal information stored in cookies with individuals’ personal data.


Other Websites

– We provide some services on our website that lead to other websites; these websites have their own privacy policies and practices governing how your data is used.
– We make every effort to try to minimize the use of third-party services because we cannot control the content and services of other websites.
– Any other website not belonging to “Hope Revival Organization” or any other links from external internet sites do not represent us, as the organization is not responsible for the content of external websites.


Contact Information


Hope Revival Organization
It is a non-profit humanitarian organization dedicated to working with communities to overcome adaptation difficulties. The main priorities of the Hope Revival Organization are to improve access to culturally sensitive, high-quality mental health services and to provide psychological and social support to populations affected by conflicts and crises in order to build sustainable local capacities and provide comprehensive, integrated, and community-based mental health services that enhance the resilience and general well-being of vulnerable refugees, internally displaced persons, and host populations.