Hope Revival Organization carries out various high-quality activities for the elderly in the areas of “Harem, Salqin, and Afrin,” targeting elderly women and men and their families, including those with disabilities. Our teams, passionate about working with the elderly and trained in first aid, make home visits to meet their basic medical needs (regular monitoring of vital signs, urinary catheterization, blood draws, dressing wounds, and other services), as well as personal care services (changing clothes, bathing, personal grooming), and the social services our teams provide to the elderly at home.
The project aims to provide high-quality emergency protection services for the elderly and people with disabilities in northwest Syria, raise community awareness about the value of the elderly, and provide information about protection issues, promoting principles of protection, healthy aging, and the principles and rights of the elderly, implemented by a specialized and trained team experienced in conducting protection activities.
Because they are our parents and grandparents… and because we believe in their role and value.